Spirit of America
Spirit of America is a non-profit organization manned by volunteers dedicated to helping the war effort abroad by taking contributions by caring citizens like yourselves and using them to help our servicepeople fulfill humanitarian requests that will bolster the spirit and will of the people of Afghanistan and Iraq.
All contributions are tax-deductible. Give what you can, if you are able. (Which is why Civilization Calls is a little late posting this... I don't ask you to do anything I haven't already done myself.)
Please visit the site, read about their mission, review the requests made by our Marines, and help any way you can.
(Thanks to Citizen Smash and to Blackfive for the head's up.)
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posted by
Linda at
07:37 PM
Comments (0)
Extended Absence Greeting
I interrrupt Loren's excellent series of posts to let you all know that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.
Instead, things are dreadfully busy. So busy, in fact, that I am stealing time to write even this much. Let's just say that Monday came to dismayed exclamations of, "You want me to do what with which lack of resources?"
I shall return. Either with my shield, or on it. In the meantime, have fun, and be good. But if you can't be good, then be bad. Very, very bad. Because sometimes, bad is better.
Friendly wave,
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posted by
Linda at
04:45 PM
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Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me...
Comcast makes a hostile bid all-stocks for Disney. Assuming their debt, that makes a $66B deal.
It would also make Comcast a media giant that would be very difficult to compete with. I think this bears watching.
Drink up, me hearties. Yo ho.
Feb. 17th
UPDATE: Disney denies Comcast.
We'll see how Comcast returns the ball.
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Thanks for getting that song stuck in me noggin'. I thinks you should be made to walk the plank! Aaaaarrrrggggggg!
posted by
Ethne at February 11, 2004 09:32 PM
"You cheated!" "Pirate."
(...is it worse to have background music playing in your head, since you can't sing along?)
posted by
Patrick Chester at February 11, 2004 09:46 PM
On the other hand it probably will have little effect on the content of entertainment. Because how much worse can it get?
posted by
Stephen Macklin at February 11, 2004 10:38 PM
Never ask that...
posted by
Ethne at February 11, 2004 11:03 PM
I knew it was all over when Disney started releasing the "Continued Adventures of..." crap. I mean, Beauty and the Beast! Come on! She tames him with her love, kisses him, and gets a prince. Game over, man. End of story. Happily ever after and stuff.
But then, then he turns back into a fluff-ball for television shows, and sequels, and all that crapola..!
Marketing whores the like of which could put George Lucas to shame!!!
As for getting the song stuck in your heads: Ha! I win!
"...Really bad eggs..."
Yes, I am evil, why do you ask?
posted by
Linda at February 11, 2004 11:06 PM
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posted by
Linda at
09:13 PM
Comments (5)
21 States
Susie led me to this one:

create your own visited states map
or write about it on the open travel guide
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LOL---did you notice that we only have one visited state in common? Tennessee...
posted by
Susie at January 30, 2004 02:12 AM
i just can't believe you haven't been to NC or VA!
posted by
chris hall at January 30, 2004 06:21 PM
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posted by
Linda at
05:10 PM
Comments (2)
Spacecraft links with:
Visited States
This comes as a surprise to me:
ISTP - "Engineer". Values freedom of action and following interests and impulses. Independent, concise in speech, master of tools. 5.4% of total population. |
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test
I never guessed.
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posted by
Linda at
11:13 PM
Comments (1)
Food for Thought
Steven Den Beste and Pixy Misa have provided quite a feast for thought.
They explore the roots of political differences as based in differing philosophical schools, and helped me underscore in my own mind why political structures erected by elitist idealists will generally fail.
I've always thought of myself as a material realist; a pragmatist, if you will.
Enough about me. Go and read both articles in their entirety.
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posted by
Linda at
08:33 PM
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Orange Alert Redux
Not long ago, whilst still blog*spotted, I posted an entry about the the current Orange Alert here.
But The Everlasting Phelps has done it so much better.
Why are you still here? GO! Read! Laugh your butt off!
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posted by
Linda at
09:22 PM
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Nice place!
Linda steps in, and sets her bag down, looking around appreciatively.
So, this is my new home! Tell you what, I really like it here. The light is just right.
Before I get started with the ranting and the raving and the pain, PAIN in the glavin, I need to set up house. To that end, I'll be playing with the template for a bit.
Yes, I really like it here. Lovely neighborhood. I can't wait to have you all over.
I need to go get some stuff, but I'll be back soon.
Update: Testing trackback pings on Civilization Calls! Pinging test post. Let's see if this thingy works!!!
~Madfish Willie~
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Welcome to Munuvia, Linda! I baked some cookies, but someone ate them all.
posted by
Pixy Misa at December 24, 2003 02:12 AM
Yay!!!! And don't listen to Pixy--I ate all the cupcakes, Victor ate the cookies!!!
posted by
Susie at December 24, 2003 05:25 AM
It wasn't me. It was my rats. They *love* peanut butter cookies!
posted by
Victor at December 24, 2003 03:39 PM
Welcome to the club. Try not to let the insanity confuse you.
posted by
Mookie at December 24, 2003 03:49 PM
Welcome, Linda!
Mookie, why not? The insanity sure has confused the heck out of me!
posted by
Daniel at December 25, 2003 03:40 AM
Woo hoo! I baked some cookies to replace the ones that Victor's rats ate, but I ate 'em. Sorry. Wecome to the block!
posted by
Tuning Spork at December 25, 2003 05:53 PM
Cookie Monster can kiss my ass!
Linda, can you give me permissions to everything in your set up.
Main Menu:Add/Edit Authors:"The Bartender" Edit and then give me all the permissions. That way I can access your templates and upload any image files that need to be uploaded. E-mail me when you get it done or if you need any assistance. Thanks
By the way, your blog*spot site came up again today so i grabbed the template and saved it to my box. I'll insert all the links first thing so you can start using this site all the time.
posted by
The Bartender at December 26, 2003 05:59 AM
Just wanted to say, yay! Always nice to have another Alliance member join MuNu too. Bhuwhahahahahahaha. Sorry, too much Xmas cheer.
posted by
Simon at December 27, 2003 02:03 AM
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posted by
Linda at
06:55 PM
Comments (8)