Cure for What Ails Ya

Whilst checking on the other members of the HCBA blogroll, I came across Greg's (mis)adventures with Windows upgrade paths.

I have a one word solution that'll probably get me kicked off the blogroll as an apostate:


You'll be glad you did. Aaaaand, as a matter of fact, although I just say it as coincidence (trust me! --L.), the husband and I have a G4 eMac up for sale. We're only selling it because he recently got a new G5 iMac.

It runs OS X. The Linux kernel makes it cool!

and the crickets go wild...

Well, I tried.

posted by Linda on April 5, 2005 07:55 PM

» SILATRELL.NET links with: Civilization Calls: Cure for What Ails Ya

But the games I wanna play don't ever come out for the Mac. Ok, that's not entirely true, but if I don't want to wait two extra years... (besides, there are certain people who completely put me off ever wanting to own a mac. I think you know who I mean...)

Posted by: ethne at April 5, 2005 07:58 PM

Oh yeah, them. I understand. It's gotta try it!

I did fail to take the gaming situation into account, seeing as how I'm only a tabletop gamer grrl. :(

I should also admit that whereas the Hubby's cave is pure Mac, I'm still locked into the PC platform. We could afford only one Mac this year, so whereas I gaze upon the Apple Powerbooks with the sort of longing usually reserved for pulp romance novels, I must spend another few years in Windoze purgatory.

But he lets me play on his Macs, so it's all right! :)

Posted by: Linda at April 5, 2005 08:15 PM can they put you off owning a Mac? That's like saying you'll never own a Jeep, or Saturn...or whatever because some stupid cow drives one. But I understand ont he game front. That's why I just have a PS2 and, gods forgive xbox

Posted by: Shawn at April 5, 2005 09:23 PM

It is entirely possible that I would be put off Saturns if some cow drove one than proceeded to tell everyone how said cow is morally superior in all things, if you get my meaning. As for the XBox... the gods may forgive you... I'm just not sure (sniff sob sniff) if I can (sniff sob). Unless of course you played Thief: Deadly Shadows and said it blew because of the Xbox implementation... then I would forgive you completely. (hee hee hee)

Posted by: ethne at April 5, 2005 09:41 PM

I say, "it blew because of the Xbox implementation... "

Posted by: Shawn at April 5, 2005 09:47 PM

I occasionally "play" with Macs at work, but for real work I use XP/2000. For all the bragging that Mac owners do about how easy they are to use, I think the UI is pretty crappy (IMHO). I just wish Linux was ready for the desktop. I'd be there yesterday.

Posted by: Greg at April 5, 2005 09:50 PM

You will be assimilated, Greg. ;)

Posted by: Linda at April 5, 2005 09:55 PM

What version of mac os are you 'playing with' at work? Yeah, the older ones had their problems, but beyond 10.2, things are much more streamlined. Especially compared to the ten-year-old UI that Microsoft users cling to like a well worn, small pox infected, blanket. But to each his/her own.

Posted by: Shawn at April 5, 2005 09:59 PM

Admittedly, they are old iMacs running 10.something. It's got pretty widgets, but it's hard to make it do what I need it to do. Therefore, we only use it as another testing platform.

Posted by: Greg at April 5, 2005 10:02 PM

What do you need it to do? Crash, BSOD, Catch a virus or worm? Admitedly you will need a PC emulator to get a Mac to do that.

Posted by: Shawn at April 5, 2005 10:05 PM

Cool! I have the age-old Mac vs PC debate on my very own blog! Whee!!!

[grabs popcorn and sits back to watch]

Posted by: Linda at April 5, 2005 10:55 PM

Oh -- just so we know each other:

Greg, Shawn is my husband, who keeps his own non-political blog at
Shawn, Greg is a member of the High Country Blogger's Alliance, who keeps

Let the debate begin!

Popcorn with M&M's, Ethne?

Posted by: Linda at April 5, 2005 10:59 PM

I'll pass on the popcorn, but hey, get some snowcaps and I am so very there. :)

Posted by: ethne at April 6, 2005 03:43 PM

[adds snowcaps to the shopping list]


Posted by: Linda at April 6, 2005 03:46 PM


Posted by: ethne at April 6, 2005 07:15 PM

Hmmm... if you are looking for fireworks, I might just disappoint ;)

Macs are fine, if that's what you want. One of my best friends is a Mac user! It does what he wants it to do. I use WinXP at work, and W2K at home - they both perform reasonably well, but W2K is slightly better IMHO.

If I was to get a Mac, I would need a web server that could run ASP, PHP, and JSP, a weblogic server, Photoshop, and Half Life 2. AFAIK, Photoshop is the only 'yes' answer on that list.

Posted by: Greg at April 7, 2005 08:37 PM

Oh, and hi Shawn.. nice to meet you!

Posted by: Greg at April 7, 2005 08:37 PM