Picnic Rock: 100% contained and other matters.

Fourth degree arson charges are pending for the man responsible for the Picnic Rock fire. It's a misdemeanor. He could get a $1000 fine or up to one year in jail.

That's all I'm going to write about that.


Am I the only person around here who has had it up to here with politicians like Byrd, Kennedy, and Kerry?

Here we stand, with renewed fighting in Iraq, and they're sneering about Vietnam, and how we shouldn't have gone to Iraq in the first place. Hypocrits, the lot of them. On one hand, they pontificate nasally about supporting the troops. On the other hand, they vote to cut funding to the military, which means that our armed services are put in a position in which they have to buy body armor out of their own pockets. Don't believe me? Go read this right now.

Seems to me that those men want to create another Vietnam with divisiveness at home. They marginalize the great victories we have already achieved in the War on Terror, and pooh-pooh the fact that we have a long way to go.

So, here's my question: what is it that men like Kennedy and Kerry have to lose if terrorism is stamped out for good? Why would they want to resist success in that vein? If they were wise and benevolent as they want us to believe, it seems to me that they'd be the loudest supporters of any platform that puts an end to groups practicing so many horrible human rights violations.

I'm just asking. Anyone? Bueller?


In regard to current events In Iraq, I note that I have read plenty of ghoulishly gleeful reports in the press, but little mention of the real reasons behind it:

It is obvious to me, a civilian, that the violence in Fallujah, as well as the activities of al-Sadr's thugs, are all geared toward one thing. They wish to derail the democratic process in Iraq through insurgency and civil war. They would rather tear their own country apart than allow it to live in peace and prosperity.

I rather hope there is a hell for such men to burn in.

Also, a pause in fighting is not a cease fire. Our troops are committing no wrong by responding in kind to hostile fire.


I've been a touch really burned out lately. My lack of posting has a great deal to do with work/life imbalance. So, not being one to sit on my (un)manicured little hands doing nothing, I've applied for A Job. A really, REALLY Cool Job.

Here's hoping I get at least an interview. (It would be the sort of job that ensures that (a)not only is my family beautifully taken care of, but (b) I would have more disposable income and time to devote to my favorite charities, and (c) we would also be able to have money in savings.)


Have both a happy and a watchful weekend, all. Send lots of prayers up for our Coalition troops, and for the innocent souls in the Middle East. Pester the hair off the heads of your elected representatives to get them rallied behind the cause of Freedom and Justice For All. And remember, as Bill Whittle wrote in his wonderful essay, POWER:

There is loose in the world a cancer, a cult of death and destruction, a force that loves nothing but destruction and pain and revenge for slights real and imagined. We face people whose hatred and rage sends them into fits of ecstasy at the thought of their own children being blown to bloody shreds so long as they can kill as many innocents as possible. And the higher we build the more fervent and hardened their desire to bring us down.

It is a sickness, it is a disease – it is, in fact, the last animal howling of rage and impotence at a new idea of humanity that is, at a long, bloody and terrible price, fighting and winning a war against racism, sexism, religious extremism, tribalism, conformity and slavery."

Em. mine. -- Linda

posted by Linda on April 9, 2004 09:53 PM