Bush was never AWOL

(Thanks to Blackfive for the link.)

Key Evidence for Bush Being AWOL Crumbles

Of course this isn't going to quiet anyone who is so rapid that they're beyond sense or reason.

But the implied, "Now bite me" makes me feel better.

UPDATE: The President releases further documentation that he was present, and fulfilled his duties.

UPDATE #2: FOX ofers up a link to the raw data.

posted by Linda on February 6, 2004 06:10 PM

Unfortunately, the articles you linked still has a quote from Gen. Turnipseed maintaining that Bush never showed up for service, the main claim to him being AWOL. Until you can prove this didn't happen, then Bush was AWOL.

Posted by: tas at February 10, 2004 01:39 PM

That is incorrect. AWOL, which stands for "Absent Without Leave", is an actionable offense, which usually results in a dishonorable discharge from service.

President Bush was honorably discharged from the National Guard. Furthermore, records show that he reported for duty during all required drills.

Legal proceedings for AWOL status were never brought against the young George W. Bush. Therefore, according to the military, whose law is the only one that matters in such a charge, he was never AWOL. So, the continuing assertations of Absence Without Leave are not only spurious, but betray the accusers' ignorance of military processes.

Perhaps you might wish to read the article again.

Posted by: Linda at February 10, 2004 05:59 PM


Posted by: Ethne at February 10, 2004 06:15 PM