Busy, busy world.

9:15 a.m., MST
Lots going on in the world today. I plan to spend some time watching events unfold.

It goes without saying that the first item to watch like a hawk is the discovery of ricin in Senate buildings:
FOX News
Via Drudge

Hazarding a hasty opinion, this could be domestic terrorism, you know. Packets containing ricin have so far been mailed to the Republican-controlled senate, the RNC, and the Department of Transportation.

Loony as some Leftist groups have gotten in the last few years, I wouldn't be surprised. But then again, it could very well be that some Islamofascist sleepers are on the move.

Whatever the cause, and I won't give in to tinfoil hat cnspiracy theory, the message is clear: we're putting terrorism (of whatever flavor) on the defensive. It's a classic psychological pattern: when you begin to make it clear that a wongdoer's behaviors are unacceptable, and will not be allowed to continue, their negative patterns will flare up for a time.

Yes, that is a major oversimplification. No, I have never subscribed to the notion that the poor little terrorists are just misunderstood, and that enough therapy will make them all better. In fact, I plan to do everything in my power to make sure that this great nation goes on handing the little pukes their asses.

With enough force, applied long enough, we can break the little shits.

Just hold your focus, America. We're winning.

We ARE winning.

10:46 a.m., MST
Also, President Bush is proposing a $2.4 Trillion budget to boost spending in the technical arena. He's so cute when he tries to emulate spendthrift liberalism.

Of professional interest to me, MyDoom will force a revolution in network security. Mmmm. My capitalist heart sees ways to make money from this--if the behemoth I work for can move fast enough to ride the rising tide.

Or maybe I should go into business for myself. How perfectly, eee-villy capitalist of me.

What? You expected me to hole up in my home? To hell with the terrorists. I plan to go on being unabashedly, unapologetically, successfully, happily American.

posted by Linda on February 3, 2004 07:49 PM

Just be sure to let me know when you start hiring. :) I'm sure to get more training from you and your company than I ever will from the evil Corporation. ;)

Posted by: Ethne at February 3, 2004 08:55 PM