Reminder: Proposed IRS Revenue Ruling 2004-6

A few days ago, I exhorted everyone to take some action, and get hold of their congresscritters to get the IRS to retract their proposed Revenue Ruling 2004-6. Leveraging in the worst possible way off McCain-Feingold, the ruling is broad-based and targeted at silencing many types of special interest groups; including educational services provided by groups like the NRA and GOA. (I name those, because they interest me.)

This is a friendly reminder to do so, if you haven't already. Even if you have, it doesn't hurt to send them a follow-up. I did.

So, write and call them. They only have until January 26th to write the IRS and demand a retraction.

Thank you.

posted by Linda on January 23, 2004 05:23 PM